Beauty & Beard Photography

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Simren & Guneet


Sim and Guneet are literally one of the sweetest couples we have met. We got to have a quick phone call recently and talk with them a little bit about this session and even then could tell that we would like them but meeting them could just brighten anyone’s day. We had a little bit of walking to do during the session but they were more than happy to do so. Talking more during said walking, we realized that they have vastly important careers and how they met. We started the session and began to see how natural their love just shined straight through our lens made us feel honored to be a part of telling their story! We have always loved Brick Pond Park and come to find out Sim lives right next to it so it was super easy for them to get change into their second outfit and enjoy the indoors (It was pretty hot). If the photographs aren’t enough to prove how kind hearted and in love they are, as we were pulling out of the parking lot after the session, they literally stood outside in the heat before even making it back indoors and waved goodbye with huge smiles and that just made our day. We are so excited for you both and look forward to what the future holds in your life together!

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Photography - Beauty & Beard Photography @beautyandbeardphoto

Location - Brick Pond Park & Hammond’s Ferry (North Augusta, SC)