david's bridal

Austin & Emily


Well this one is close to our hearts as we’ve been friends with Austin and Emily for years. We’ve seen them go through a ton of loss and hardship and yet come out on the other side super strong and smiling together, seen a ton of wins in their life and more than anything, their lives together are marked by their amazing sense of humor and ability to laugh and have fun all the time. That being said, the fact that this has been a dream wedding for Emily since she was a little girl having passed by the Tate House wedding venue for years and seeing how it all came together was absolutely gorgeous and we are so honored to have been able to be a part of telling their story and capturing this amazing wedding day.

The day started off with us meeting with the DJ briefly and wedding coordinator Sandra from the Tate House to tour the space a little bit which led right into us saying hey to Emily and her girls as they were getting ready and bringing everything in. We then photographed the details and just knew we wanted to take the dress into the mansion to do something with the stairs there as well as doing some flat lay details. Once we finished that, we prepared for a few first looks with the Bride’s Father and all of the Groomsmen as well. You can see in the photos some great reactions and just how much everyone loves each other in this tight knit group. We then did a few bridal portraits inside before splitting up for me to get photos with the guys praying over Austin while Morgan did photos with the Bridesmaids. What came next was such a beautiful moment where they privately shared vows at the first touch and Morgan and I had to hold back some tears ourselves. That moment led straight into getting ready for the ceremony which the beautiful all white and bright ceremony space with the pops of color from flowers was absolutely gorgeous. During the ceremony, everyone came out to epic music that then switched to beauty when the Bride came down the aisle with her father. They exchanged vows guided by their friend who was their officiant as well as one of their groomsmen. Surrounded by their friends and family, they were announced as Mr. and Mrs. Dockery and shared a kiss.

Post ceremony, we completed all of the family photos then made our way out to the front of the mansion to do full wedding party photos. Once we had finished those, we got to walk around with the newlyweds for a bit on the grounds of the Tate House where we could have walked around for hours and had a blast. Before long, it was time to get them into the reception where they were announced and greeted by a room full of cheering loved ones. The reception started with their beautiful first dance followed by the Father and Daughter dance then Mother and Son with one last one being the Mother and Daughter dance. The dance floor then opened up for a while then we came to the cake cutting followed by an absolutely beautiful toast by Emily’s Mom. The rest of the night was characterized by a bunch of their friends dancing and having a great time but then the night ended with the sparkler send off to their stylish getaway vehicle. We already know that this is just the beginning for their amazing story to continue and we cannot wait to see what the future holds for the Dockerys!

Tate House Wedding

Vendors List

Photography - Beauty & Beard Photography @beautyandbeardphoto

Venue/Catering/Coordinating: The Tate House

Dress - David’s Bridal

Florals - Tate House Design Group

HMU - Timberlee Draper


Hunter & Kaitlin


Hunter & Kaitlin, as well as their families, first and foremost have such kind souls and we absolutely loved this wedding day as well as the Bridal Session about a month ago which proved to be very fruitful in beautiful images and was also just a lot of fun with her Mom and MOH. That laid some of the groundwork for the wedding day to where everything just clicked felt way better than it would have without a previous session. The wedding day itself took place at the beautiful Pine Knoll Farms in Appling, GA on a mostly beautiful Fall weather day besides just a little bit of rain here and there but nothing interfering with the happenings of the day.

When we showed up, we got to say hey to the girls and gather details as well as introduce Bella as well who is on our team and was standing in place of Morgan since our due date for Levi was coming up soon (it actually ended up being just a few days later so that was a good call). Once we finished photographing all of the details in the newly added area downstairs from the Bridal Sweet that used to just be an open air porch and now has become a closed in room with some beautiful finishings, we did a few photos of the girls in their robes before I split off to go say hey to the guys while Bella stayed with the girls. The guys were a great group with a good sense humor and Hunter is super easy going so we got everything done pretty quickly besides getting the boutonnieres brought on a golf cart so we could get them all pinned. Then Once everyone was pinned, we made our way outside and did all the group photos for the guys as well as a few solo shots of Hunter right as it started to rain a little bit so we split off and I made my way back to the other side with the girls to start setting up first looks with her Dad, Step Dad and Brother which were all so sweet. We may or may not have shed some tears of our own with her little Brother’s reaction. From there, we also did an unexpected first look with her Grandparents which was super sweet and you could see how much they love Kaitlin.

Before long, it was ceremony time so we made our way over to get ready and take photos of the guests coming in as well. Hunter held it together pretty well, there may have been a little bit of eye watering but mostly just super joyful when he saw his Bride coming down the aisle. Once they had said their I do’s led by an Uncle who did a fantastic job, they sealed it with a kiss and made their way up the aisle as the Huttos and rang the bell. Once everyone was out, it was then time to do family photos which we started to do outside but then it rained a little bit so we had to move everyone inside unexpectedly (weather forecast lied) but it worked out well anyways so people could sit some too. We then got did all of the group photos and dismissed everyone to do some couple’s photos and then actually finished ahead of time and made our way to the reception. Bella and I then ran into the reception to get settings and lights setup really quick and they came right into the reception with the cheers of all of their loved ones. Once they were in, they did their first dance, the Father-Daughter and Mother-Son dances and basically a bunch of people cried so it was all super sweet and then the dance floor opened up for a while. Throughout the night they also did some beautiful toasts, the shoe game but with a twist where guests had to guess who they thought before the couple lifted their shoe, cut the cake, threw the bouquet and garter then ended the festivities of the night with a sparkler exit which turned out perfectly. We seriously loved being a part of this couple’s story and big day! They are already doing amazing things but, we’re excited to see what this power couple’s future holds!

Augusta Wedding Photographer

Vendors List

Photography - Beauty & Beard Photography @beautyandbeardphoto

Venue: Pine Knoll Farms

Dress - David’s Bridal

Men’s Attire - Simon’s Formal Wear

Florals - Into the Fields

HMU - Avail Salon

Catering - Elizabeth Green

DJ - M&S Mobile Productions

Denis & Maya


This was the first of what we hope to be many Bulgarian weddings because it was such a beautiful culture to experience. The wedding day was full of a ton of amazing traditions from Bulgarian culture which we will talk about more during this blog but first, a little about meeting with this couple and the location of the wedding day. We met them just a few days before the wedding day via Zoom and got to learn about the culture and what all was most important to the couple and how we could best serve them and their families during the big day. There we learned about how important Kayaking is to them and that they also love gardening. Also, we learned more of their story from meeting in West Virginia in 2017 up to when he proposed in San Diego while they were visiting her Brother. Seeing that all come together in the story on display at the wedding day made it super special where each table at the reception was named by a location that they had kayaked together instead of having table numbers. Even their cake topper was of the two of them in kayaks together. All of this was beautifully displayed at the West Lake Country Club in Martinez, GA with a bunch of amazing vendors listed at the bottom of this blog to help it come together.

Now that we have the location in mind, imagine an absolutely kind hearted and joyful couple who are also laid back and we show up to discover them moving and working some things to be in place before getting dressed and we get to meet them in person then walk around just a little bit to see what all of the space they were using. Being that they were already married, they weren’t too worried about seeing each other beforehand but did want to have a first look once they were fully dressed and done up as well. It was an adorable moment that lead straight into us getting ready for the ceremony as family was showing up to find their seats. Once most of the guests found their seat and they had everyone lined up in the bridal suite, they made their way out to the ceremony. It was an absolutely gorgeous day but, it was also very hot so a large amount of guests were off to the side under the porch as well since there was not much cloud coverage either. Throughout the ceremony, there were a few traditions sprinkled in as well as the couple sharing some beautiful vows but one of our favorites was the part at the end where the Bride kicks over a Pall full of red and white flower petals as well as a few other things and the first color flower petal to come out signified the gender of the first born baby. As they kissed at the top of the aisle with their guests all behind them in the photo, we made our way to a set of stairs where it would be easier to layer all of the guests for a large group photo and all of the other family formals that we had planned. We then made our way down to the green just down the hill behind the ceremony location for a few couples portraits and also road the golf cart around for a few more photo ops before parking and heading back to get ready for the reception entrance. As they prepared to enter, we setup our flashes and lights quickly and were prepared for all of the dancing to come.

Now upon their entrance, they made their way to the sweetheart table and everyone ate before starting some of the traditional dances. One really cool thing to note about the dances besides the music and dances themselves was that the first dance was to the newlyweds, the others were performed for and with the newlyweds to the rest of the guests and there was also someone explaining the traditions via a microphone for the guests that wouldn’t know what the traditions were symbolizing like the grooming ceremony where they traditionally spend the whole day where the groom sits under a shady tree and reflects and then some father figure men shave his face from right to left and it’s all for good luck and coming into being a man/husband which was really funny because the men who did the shaving pulled out a few of the wrong sized blades (aka a machete and knife) first as a little joke. Then the bride was covered with a red veil which is the traditional color for brides which is mean to ward off evil eyes and protect from bad luck/spirits. They also gave her a beautiful flower crown and apron as well as dressing the groom in some more red traditional attire which was so cool to see. From there, they also had a bread breaking ceremony where the bride and groom holds something like monkey bread above them and pulls it apart. Whoever ends up with the biggest piece of the bread is considered to be the bread winner which we just loved that when it was explained. After that, they drank and broke their champagne glasses in a lined basket as well as a few more dances including the first dance, father-daughter and mother-son dances. Before too long, they started some more traditional dances where the bride was holding their flag and dancing in a line then more and more of the Bulgarian people in attendance joined into the line as they passed by the table to make it longer and longer and then there was another dance where the groom was holding the flag as well. Before long, it was time to break out the penguins! There were supposed be a few penguins but something got mixed up in the mail I believe and so there was one penguin and one person wearing a hairy potter cloak but, they still carried everything out for the love of their dear friend Denis where he and his Bride, Maya, eventually joined in with them for fun dance. From here, Maya also presented some birthday cakes to two girls who had a birthday that day and it was such an act of kindness to see the Bride share her day and love with dear friends/family in that way. Besides the cake cutting and a fun sing along song, the rest of the night was full of dancing and fun photos by the photo booth as well as drinks lasting well into the night. It was such a joyful wedding day and that’s exactly the type of day we love being a part of so much. We’re excited for these families and what the future holds for them! Congrats to Denis and Maya!


Vendors List

Photography - Beauty & Beard Photography @beautyandbeardphoto

Cake - A Piece of Cake Bakery

Dress - David's Bridal (Alethia Y. Hudson)

Hair - His & Her Hair Salon (Carolyne Simms)

Flowers - Georgia State Floral Distributors

Special thanks - Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church (Father Vasile Bitere)

Venue - West Lake Country Club

Favors - Hand Made by Maya, Dennis and their families.

DJ and Lights - M&S Mobile Production (DJ-Phil)

Austin & Rachael


Austin and Rachael are such a sweet couple and being a part of these moments was such a treasure for us. Not only do we love Ashton Cole Place and the vendor team but, getting to know the family and this couples heart even more made for a day that’s hard to not get attached to.

We actually started the day off by meeting up with my family for an early lunch in Thomson since they are from Washington, GA that’s just around 20 minutes away. After lunch, we made our way to the venue to meet up with Austin first and then say hey to all of the girls with Rachael and get started on details. We always love working with Mallory from Honeycomb Florals as well because she leaves us extra flowers to use for flat lays and things of that nature and basically any time we see her name, we know it’s going to be fun. Once we were finishing up with details, the girls were finishing up and so our third shooter also went with the guys as they were getting ready quickly. As Rachael finished up getting in her dress, Tom and I (Jordan) took Austin to prepare for the first look. Once we knew what angles we wanted, we gave the signal for Morgan to bring Rachael out as well. I cannot wait to share the video of this moment but, you can tell from the photos that it was an emotional and amazing first look and they also exchanged vows there. From there we went straight into the Father-Daughter first look and got him setup with a Mic as well. Here they shared sweet moment near the reception barn before everyone made their way to do some group photos before the ceremony. As guests began to arrive, we finished up quickly and then made our way to the ceremony to setup our other camera and get into position. It’s always fun to play with the dynamics in ceremony spaces but it typically works out to where our third shooter Tom is giving a secondary angle and getting the back of the dress as they pass him and then Morgan and I are at the front capturing everyone in both photo and video as they come down the aisle. Everyone made it into their places perfectly but, a special shout out to the ring bearer for making hilarious faces on the way as well. Now it was time for the Bride to come down the aisle and you could tell how excited and just flat out happy Austin was in that moment knowing that it was really happening. After Rachael’s Dad (Travis) handed her off and gave Austin a big hug, we all had the honor of experiencing a beautiful ceremony that was so graciously led by the officiant. Once they said their vows and sealed everything with a kiss, they made their way back up the aisle hand in hand as Mr. and Mrs. Mejias! We had them stop at the top of the aisle for a quick kiss (long story short, this is a version of one of our favorite photos from our wedding day so we like to do it for our couples). Then we knocked out some beautiful family photos and enjoyed joking with everyone before dismissing everyone to the reception or to meet up with the coordinator for their lineup as we whisked away for couples photos of the Newlyweds. It had rained a little so, we prioritized the beautiful garden areas that were a little more up hill and dry and we were already there so it worked to get a ton of gorgeous photos and get them to their reception quickly as well!

We have to say that, everyone in the wedding party knows how to make an entrance but I think that Carson probably had the most hyped entrance besides the moment that the Bride and Groom came in to “All the way turnt up”. From here they went straight into their dances which one was a surprise to us with a live performance that was beautifully done. From here everyone ate and we eventually came to the Dollar Dance followed by speeches and cake cutting. There were so many emotional high moments in the speeches that trying to type about that would make this much longer of a blog. After the cake cutting, we came to the start of full on party with the bouquet and garter tosses which had some hilarious moments with Travis playing around during Austin taking the garter off and we got to see who was next in line with the Bouquet and Garter as well. Everyone danced their hearts out for quite a long time and then it was time for last dance and then fake send off with sparklers. I think this may have actually been one of the longest lines for sparklers that we’ve seen so, that was really cool to see and made for a bunch of great photos and then as the night continued for a little while longer, we switched up some things camera wise to match the romantic and slow dancing vibe that took place to give a more vintage and bloomy look to the lighting as we got to see all of the happy couples enjoying their night. It was shortly after that we got to say goodbye to the newlyweds and make our way back to Grovetown. We thoroughly enjoyed the honor of being present at this wedding and are super excited for the future of the Mejias family!

Augusta Wedding Photographer

Vendors List

Photography - Beauty & Beard Photography @beautyandbeardphoto

Venue - Ashton Cole Place

Dress - Elegant Bridals

Girl’s Dresses - David’s Bridal

Men’s Attire - Men’s Wearhouse

Invitations - Zola

Caterer - BBQ Barn

Coordinator - Yohe and Co. Events

Florist - HoneyComb Florals

Gabby Padgett: makeup and hair

Cake - Celebrate with Cake

DJ - Raymond Thompkins