destination wedding photographer

Tyler & Sheri


Tyler and Sheri’s wedding day in Cleveland, GA at The Cottage Vineyard and Winery was such a beautiful way to start a Fall Monday morning recently. Not only did we get to see the sunrise in the North Georgia mountains, we got to celebrate their love and spend time with them making art in a beautiful location which we of course enjoy doing.

The day started off in a large cabin rental where everyone got ready with the beautiful mountain sunrise view as hair, makeup and getting dressed were all taking place. We also set up flat lay details on the deck and around the time of the bride finishing getting ready and into her dress, we left to get to the venue ahead of her and setup our extra camera on a tripod quickly and put a mic on Tyler. The mountain views backing the ceremony were gorgeous and it was such an intimate wedding on the double tiered deck of the Cottage Vineyard and Winery. Tyler had a huge smile when he saw Sheri come around the corner and everyone enjoyed the beautiful ceremony. One of their first acts together was to take communion before their first kiss as husband and wife. From there, we took everyone up the hill just a bit for the formal group photos before walking around the hills of the vineyard taking the couples romantic portraits. It was a shorter wedding day for us but, absolutely gorgeous the entire time and also ended with us being able to swing over to Helen for lunch where we ran into some of the wedding guests before doing another session later that afternoon. We are so happy for these two and know that the future holds a ton of beautiful moments for them.


Vendors List

Photography and Video - Beauty & Beard Photography @beautyandbeardphoto

Venue: the cottage vineyard and winery

Patrick & Michelle Destination Wedding


Here is a great example of what to do when your wedding day has to change due to a pandemic! They had their closest friends and family go to Saint Simons for a gorgeous destination wedding and will have their full wedding day and party with more guests next year as they had originally intended and it’s what dreams are made of!

We drove down the night before and stayed in a hotel to wake up early and go to the King and Prince Resort where Michelle was getting ready on site in the Wesley Cottage. We were there for the last few touches and then she hopped into her dress to go meet her soon to be groom for their first look on the beach. It was just down the sidewalk so we made our way over and I (Jordan) ran ahead to get Patrick in place on the beach without them seeing each other. Once we all got out there, we set them up and let them have their moment of seeing each other for the first time all dressed up for the wedding and it was so cute. Not to mention it was gorgeous beach surrounding them which made our job a lot easier. Once they let us know they were ready to take some of their couples photos, we hopped straight into a few poses and some fun ideas that we had talked about beforehand. We explored a few more ideas for photos on the way to the venue and then got them back inside to cool off before the ceremony started.

The ceremony music starts and everyone walks the aisle to beautiful worship music and ocean waves in the background. Then the bride walks out and everyone stands to see her and the groom’s father walking from a different different door and making their way to the aisle. Patrick had a huge smile on his face watching his bride come down the aisle and once they were their, both of their mothers read scripture out loud followed by a few words and then the symbolic pouring of sand into a vase that they would keep as a reminder of God’s place in their marriage. They then exchanged their vows and rings surrounded by palm trees and their loved ones tying the knot and the sealing it with a kiss. They were finally announced as husband and wife and made their way back up the aisle hand in hand to go straight over into their first dance with everyone surrounding them. We have to admit that not enough first dances are done with the beach in the background. As they finished up their beautiful dance, everyone cheered and we hopped straight into photos with everyone and everyone had fun with it and we finished up fairly quickly and let everyone else go back inside to cool off as we ran all around the resort with Patrick and Michelle to take some more photos before we left to drive back home. There is no shortage of gorgeous areas in the resort to take photos and we had so much fun running around with them. We ended our time with them by having them repeat their dance one more time in this stunning room full of symmetry and gorgeous columns on both sides of them. After they did their last dip kiss, we headed out for them to go to their reception back at the Wesley Cottage where the day started and we congratulated them and started our drive back home. We are so excited for this happy couple and to see what their marriage and ministries will produce in the future. Not to mention part 2 of the wedding next year!

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Devin & Valerie (42 of 98).JPG
Patrick & Michelle Destination Wedding (61 of 103).JPG
Gavin & Brittney (252 of 883).JPG
king and prince resort wedding
king and prince resort wedding
king and prince resort wedding

Vendors List

Photography - Beauty & Beard Photography @beautyandbeardphoto

Venue - King and Prince Resort

Dress - J. Andrew’s Bridal

Flowers - Honeycomb Florals

Bride’s Ring - Harlin Diamonds

Men’s Attire - Men’s Wearhouse

Groom’s Ring - Blue Nile

Caterer - Front Porch Catering

Ben & Kayla Engagement Session



We had only just talked to Kayla for the first time a few weeks ago and booked everything just in time for this destination engagement session to work out perfectly! We couldn’t have asked for a better day and we have to admit that there’s something special about being able to do a destination engagement session on a Monday and make new friends along the way! Ben & Kayla are such a cheerful and sweet couple and right from the start we hit it off and got to make some jokes while getting to know them even better!

We started off the engagement session by meeting at the Turtle Center and walking around the nearby park area covered with beautiful moss and historic buildings with an already beautiful sunset! It was hard to pick a spot for a moment because literally every step you took was another gorgeous area!

They quickly changed and then we headed over to the driftwood beach, it was hard not to pull over for more photos just driving there but we knew there would be plenty of beautiful shots to capture there. We showed up and ditched our shoes to enjoy having our feet in the sand and started to head into the driftwood area. We talked more about what they do for a living and a little bit about the wedding venue while sharing a few laughs and just beautiful photo after beautiful photo! As we switched directions and walked back the other way, we were accompanied by a gorgeous sunset and a pack of geese flying in formation together behind Ben and Kayla (which doesn’t happen much) and it added even more beauty to this one of a kind engagement session! On our way out of the beach, they pointed out the marsh area and commented how it reminds them of the Lion King (cue singing can you feel the love tonight) and we decided to take just a few more photos with the last bit of light and a gorgeous backdrop and then walked out to our cars talking about horses and how much fun we had together! We must say, it was a beautiful Monday well spent and we absolutely love what we do. Seeing this couple so in love and just enjoying themselves while sharing some laughs with us is such a great reminder of what makes our job so beautiful and why we do it.

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Vendors List

Photography - Beauty & Beard Photography @beautyandbeardphoto

Location 1 - Georgia Sea Turtle Center

Location 2 - Driftwood Beach